
Showing posts from 2021

my positive story

this is my positive story my class made these and showed the little kids in our school today. we spent so much time on this. 

school camp

math grid trem 4 2021

  hi my name is Campbell and this id my math grid results we do about 2 every week From Campbell 

term 4 goals 2021

 Hi my name is Campbell and  welcome to my blog so every week my class at school do a goals of the week and it is on what we are you need to change in your learning and what yo do in your learning. I hope you like my work and my blog. From Campbell

my speech


Jumping my uncle

 this is me jumping my uncle on my motorbike  on sunday he was brave as must of been scery for him. i hope you like this blog post and see next time.

Campbell trash comprehension Questions.

  hi my name is Campbell and this is my trash comprehension Questions. my class have been reading this for quiet a while and we are almost done. i hope you like this post and i hope you like my other blog post. From Campbell

avater maker

  this is my avatar maker hope you like it.

me driving a Hydraladder.

hi my name is Campbell and i live on a small farm and we have a orange Orchard and we have a Hydraladder to pick the high fruit and i wasn't allowed to drive it when i was little but now i am older and i can drive it my dad let's me drive it and mum not so much mum but sometimes. i haven't got the Hydraladder stuck yet but i might one day because it is very muddy at my house and you can get Hydraladder stuck very easy so that's why i need to be careful driving it. and also Hydraladders are very dangerous because we you are picking on it you are up high and you won't be addle to see people and you need to be careful to not run them over. and that why you need to yell out to them. some Hydraladder can go 802h MAXI is a safe height that is high.

Maths in lock down.

  Hi my name is Campbell and this is my maths that i did in lock down i hope you like it.

Step two of making ginger beer.

hi my name is Campbell and this is part two of making ginger beer so i have made the bug i have feed the bug now we need to make the ginger beer so you need to get a  large bowl or bucket, put the  Chelsea Raw Sugar   and cream of tartar, then add the boiling water. then you need to Stir to dissolve the sugar before adding the cold water. Get your bug and pour all the liquid not the sludge in the bottom! into the bucket and the add the lemon juice. Stir well and then pour into your clean bottles. Ingredients Ginger beer 3 cups  Chelsea Raw Sugar 2 tsp cream of tartar 1L boiling water and 5L cold water Juice of 2 lemons, strained. and this is it and i hope you enjoyed this blog post and i hope you like my blog. from Campbell.

guess what i saw on TV Hinerupe mare.

i saw this on TV Mrs hall my teacher will now where this is and all my class mates will now where this too. i is Hinerupe Mare.  from Campbell.

cooking with Campbell in lock down.

Hi my name is Campbell and i started to run out of ideas to blog about. But! then i came up with an idea. i could make my own cooking show i now how to make pancakes and french toast and scrabbled eggs and heaps of other food. My sister wanted to help so she video me and helped me with the measuring. My sister put together the videos and it came to part one and part two and she put them both together and edited for me on her phone and sent it to me. Today we are making pancakes. I have a video for you to watch and i hope you like it and tomorrow we are making french toast. Hope you like my cooking show.


my new dirt bike jump.

hi my name is Campbell and me and my brother has made a dirt bike jump out of plaits and wood that we have around in the shed i can jump high and i have jumped of my brother on my dirt bike. it was risky but you need to take new risks i have a photo we were going to jump my sled behind the quad bike. but it started to rain so we didn't. i have a photo of the jump.  i hope you like it and like my blog and see you next time. from Campbell.

making ginger beer

hi my name is Campbell and i like to make ginger beer and that's my Favorited drink.  i hope you like my post and my blog and see you next time. from Campbell

my new game to play.

hi my name is Campbell and as you may see this is a slide please read it i hope you like my blog and i hope you like my post. from Campbell

growing seeds in lock-down.

campbell trash by Marcello Rampazzo

hi my name is Campbell and this is a poem i have made i hope you have a great lock down and keep safe you can read my poem and comment on it. i hope you like my blog posts and my blog. from Campbell.

child labour

child labour is when people get kids to work when they are like only 4. they also do at dumpsites with children. the most country that has child labour is Africa they have 14.6 % of child labour. i hope we can do some thing. and i hope you like my blog posts.  from Campbell.

Maths in lock down 2021

 hi my name is Campbell and in lock down today my school work is to do slide 2 and 3 and then i need to put it on my blog so here it is there is more slides than that but i don't need to do them just yet. i hope you like my work and blog posts and see you next time. from Campbell.

Posom hunting.

hi my name is campbell and yesterday my dad and me went up a big hill to set some posom traps and we put some baet next to it and this morning my dad forgot we even set them and when i told him he rembered and me and my dad and my dog went up the big hill we went to the first two traps and there was nothing and then we went to the third trap and there was nothing to and then my dog ran off and i herd a posom at the thorth trap and my dog killed it for as and my dad placked all the fer off it and we left it on the track and the fith trap had one in it to and it had a babby in it's poachwe pluck that one to and then there was nothng in the sixth trap so we went down and through the posoms off the cliff and we went down to the house. i hope you like this blog post and see you next time. from campbell.

Our new calves.

Hi my name is Campbell and my family brought some new calves and they are only 10 day old. we brought four, three black ones and one brown one we have not named them yet. my sister chose the brown one. Evey morning we need to get up and make some worm milk for them and we take some milk feeders up to the shed were the stay all day and night. Now we they are a bit older we let them out in the paddock and they run around all day and then we put them back into there shed were they stay for the night. we also feed them moosli, i have a photo of me with all of them. i hope you like my blog posts and i hope you liked our calves. from Campbell   Larry jr   Larry Larry one Pippa all of them together in the shed. 

Picking oranges in lock down.

hi my name is Campbell in lock down me my mum and my dad we are picking oranges in our orange orchard i drive tracker and pick oranges it's a lot of hard work and i get piad for doing it. it is fun to you should try it some time. when we were picking my mum found an orange that looked like it was a rabbit i have a photo if you want to see it.   i hope you like the rabbit cool photo a. from Campbell.

working in lock down 2021

Hi my name is Campbell and in lock down i need to work outside more, driving trackers if you don't believe me hears a video of me driving one of the three trackers my family has it's pretty cool to have more then one tracker. click me to see the video. hope you like my video keep safe in lock down. from Campbell.

campbell cooking with Biogas in india.

 hi my name is campbell. this week two weeks we have been doing some work on biogas and how we can make cars run on biogas and we have been reading about biogas in a book. i hope you like this post        from campbell

my cool chart about a vege car

 this is my question chart about the vege car i can't believe that it can run on veggie oil you can find more about the vege car if you want and i hope you like my question chart about the vege car. the people that made the vege car was James nui his family was called the McDonald family. from campbell

giuseppe arcimboldo art

hi my name is campbell and this is a painting i did. this week my class has been doing some biography on giuseppe arcimboldo. giuseppe arcimboldo is a painter he paints painting of fruit. so we made our own painting out of fruit. this is my pistol painting.        click the link to find more information this is my food picture and the one above  is a pastel painting of the food design. and we were in groups ot make these food design.      

term 2 maths grid

 this is my maths grid term 2. i want to get faster and get them all right.

hobo stove makers

  hobo stove hi welcome to my blog this week we did heaps of fun staff like you went to the Enviro Centre and cedenco. but this is about hobo stoves so we went to make holes in cans and we made some campfire and we made pancakes on them. but nexts week we are going to a bush and we are cooking some wild meet. that was fun but hope you don't catch the hole bush on fire.  from campbell

cedenco food explorers

hi my name is campbell. today my class went to cedenco food Factory. in this photo you can see we are in the qc lab were you get to taste test the food if you wanted. i tasted some food. there was pumpkin powder. onion powder and heaps of powders and there was paste. like tomato paste and Apple paste and kiwifruit pastes. you gotta eat. this is the dryer room where they dry out the food. they heat the food up to  15 to 50°C we got to go into the dryer room. the lady talked about the stuff they do in there.

my term one goals 2021

 this is my term one goals 2021 and my learning maps 

a study about video games

this is a study of video games  

going to the museum

 hi my name is campbell and this is my blog and this post is about when we went to the museum and we made some bags and we stitched them up. and stitched our name in it 

going to the museum


campbell term 1 2021 goals


why should you come to Te Araroa

 this is my poster about Te Araroa i hope you like it  made by campbell

term 1 2021 math grid

we have been doing maths grids and i need to start practicing at home as well as doing it at school. as you can see here my results ain't that good but i am going to start practicing it at home. from campbell